Camping Cantley


100, Chemin Ste Élisabeth

Cantley, Québec, J8V 3G4

We strongly suggest to verify the following directions and ignore the ones suggested by your GPS, Mapquest or Googlemap. From Highway 50, you will have to exit at highway ramp #138 (St. Louis), or you will know our gravel road.



• From Highway-50, take exit 138 and take road 307 north for Cantley

• Turn right at the flasher for Ste Élisabeth road

• Continue 1,5 Km and you are arrived.



From Montréal : 210 km | From Ottawa : 23 km | From Maniwaki : 120 km | From Gatineau : 10 km

Gatineau sector :
Take highway 50, direction Hull. Take the exit number 138 (Saint Louis), turn right at the lights on 307 north for 15 km. There will be a big hill with a flashing light. Turn right at lights on the 307 north, for 15 km. At flashing light on top of the hill lined with lights, turn right on Ste-Elisabeth Road for 1.5 km and the Campground entrance is on your right.

Hull sector :
Highway 105 north (St-Joseph Blvd), you will past the car dealers, turn right at the lights for Alonzo Wright bridge (follow the signs for Cantley). Cross the bridge, turn left at the lights on 307 north for 11 km. At flashing light on top of the hill lined with lights, turn right on Ste-Elisabeth Road for 1.5 km and the Campground entrance is on your right.

Follow signs Hwy. 5 and cross McDonald-Cartier Bridge.

Take the second exit after the bridge, 50 Montreal and take the first exit #138 (Saint Louis).

Turn right at lights on the 307 north, for 15 km.

At flashing light on top of the hill lined with lights, turn right on Ste-Elisabeth Road for 1.5 km and the Campground entrance is on your right.

Via Hwy 50 :

Hwy 50 to exit #138 (Saint Louis). Avoid any other exit or you will visit our gravel roads. Turn right at lights on the 307 north, for 15 km. At flashing light on top of the hill lined with lights, turn right on Ste-Elisabeth Road for 1.5 km and the Campground entrance is on your right.


Via Hwy. 40:
Hwy. 40 west to Hwy. 417, direction Ottawa. In Ottawa you will see the Nicholas / Mann exit #118.

Follow Mann then go straight at lights, it will become King Edward Avenue. Follow Hwy. 5 signs and cross McDonald- Cartier Bridge. Take the second exit after the bridge, 50 Montreal and take the first exit #138 (Saint Louis). Turn right at lights on the 307 north, for 15 km. At flashing light on top of the hill lined with lights, turn right on Ste-Elisabeth Road for 1.5 km and the Campground entrance is on your right.

Hwy. 105 south to Wakefield.

Left on 366 East to the 307 South.

Turn right on 307 South for 7 km. Turn left at flashing lights, on Ste-Elisabeth Road for 1.5 km and the Campground entrance is on your right.